but I do think I have one silver lining that shines through. I have one personal attribute that I AM proud of and while it is not one that is openly commended in public or even really discussed, I am proud of myself for it. I do not look at anybody's physical self and make a split second decision about them. This is not something I was born doing - in fact, quite the opposite. I almost wonder if we are geared (through media and peers) TO judge others at first sight very early in our lives. Societal pressure is a BITCH! However, over the years...through my own personal evolvement, I no longer do that. I do a lot of other stupid, hurtful, idiotic things - but not that. No human being is invisible to me. I meet the eyes of the person in wheel chair, talk to the mother with the 3 year old with Down's Syndrome I see at the grocery store, I hug the child at my school that drools. No one is perfect. No one should be invisible. No one should be judged by their appearance. It is shocking how often I see it happen in public and at schools. Take a look around - and embrace every soul on this Earth with the compassion human beings are capable of.
Hi! Thanks for your post on my blog. For kettlebells....you want to start with a weight that is a bit difficult to press 5 times. So...go to a store and grab a 15 pounder to start. Bring it to your chest directly above your hip with your elbow bent and the point of your elbow resting on your hip or just above it...elbow as close to the body as possible. Then, press it straight up and lock out your arm...make sure your bicep is near your ear and your arm is still in line with your hip and not out to the side at all. If you can press the 15 easily 5 times...then try a 20..and so on. Your first kettlebell should feel heavy and should command your full attention. If you can press it 3-5 times but it is difficult..then you found the right kettlebell. :) I have some good DVD suggestions over on my blog, too....on the right side. I like the Godess one quite a lot. Have fun, and keep me posted!
This is such a beautiful post! x
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