Sooooo - check out my corset!! Pretty sexxxy! My middle daughter greatly approved and even stated that I should wear it to school - everyday. Yeah - so she is the fashionista and obviously not impressed with sweat pants and t-shirts. I think hubby looks like the cover of a cheap romance novel - minus the hair blowing in the breeze.. :) We bought the corset there - and I KNOW it enhances the boobage...but had no idea to that extent - I apologize now.....
And here we have the lovely lady pirates and their captive. The Tex Ren Fest is so worth a weekend away - I highly recommend it to anyone with even an ounce of imagination and adventure in their souls. I would love to go back just to people watch - it is a hoot!

So - I am proud of myself for today. I am planning ahead.....thinking logically, and knowing this weekend will be easy - and next weekend will be a test an require planning. You see, my hubby is taking me to see Riverdance (my second time!!), and staying at a hotel (boom chica bow wow) and yes - I am sure - a meal or two out and about........
I can do it -
It is worth it.....