You are welcome here....

I started off thinking I was going to do a weight loss blog. That was too one dimensional for me - but I absolutely love some of the ones I follow! This is a typical, broad spectrum, anything goes hybrid of diary and therapy for me. You are welcome here.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Post

Yep - it is a new me already. Didn't even wait for January 1st! I was really getting a little old for long, flowing, goldy locks. Besides, it goes with my need for a change - and girls know that sometimes an outward appearance can make a world of difference in changing how you feel. So this is the new me - the beginning of a change. Yes, I have resolutions I am making. Yes - my diet and exercise (or actual lack of any) is one of the things I wish to change. However, that is not the only thing I am going to hold myself accountable for. I think I will make a list now and revisit in June to take stock. While weightloss will be high on my list, there are several other "must do's" that have been rambling in the back of my mind - just not getting done. So....I will write them here and see if they get done, or closer to done, or started......

So - for 2010 -

Drum roll please......

By the end of June - I will.........

* Write. Not just my blog, which I haven't done a great job of yet - but I do feel like I am warming up. No, I mean write, as in my novel. Meagan has got to get out of my head and on paper...even if I butcher her and wrap her in it!!

*Blog AT LEAST once a week - even if it is a blurb. I follow so many blogs - and I feel so sad when they don't update, and so happy when they do - so I will do my part. I will also try and leave a comment on blogs I visit, as I also know that mysterious lurkers (while appreciated for the number on my little counter) need to say "hi" once in awhile......

* I will weigh....OMG - I can't believe I am going to post a number....250 come June. See - only need to lose 5 pounds- I can do it! *snicker* Okay - so it is more than 5 pounds - but I am not brave enough to post it - yet....I will - it is just a number, but by God, it is a BIG number.....

* Exercise -4 times a week for at least a half hour each time. This can be dancing, treadmill, family walk. Anything - as long as it is a conscious effort to move my buttocks. I have the shoes - no excuses.....

* Each week, I will make time to just PLAY with my girls. I do play, I do chase and tickle, I do so love them....but I feel like I get them set up with an activity, then bail to clean or put up or - oh I don't know - go to the bathroom! - and leave them to play without me. Or at least without me fully present. I hate that. They won't remember how clean the house was when they leave or think back on their time with me. They will remember Mom sitting IN their sheet tents in the living room. The plays we make with the stuffed animals. Charades. boardgames. I want to be a better Mom - in a measurable way. So my resolution is one hour a week of strictly play time. No phone interruptions. No cleaning or picking up. Just a play time.

* Indiviudual time - this is a biggy. With 3 daughters, sometimes it is hard to just get the neccessities done. I have them for such a short amount of time, and I love each one sooo much. I will do an activity - one one one - with each child, each week. It could be a walk, a bubble bath, story time, cooking time, something with just one of them. Then I will also do something extraordinary for my beloved husband. At least once a week, I will show him, in some way, how special he is to me. A love note in his truck. An extra special meal. Clip his toemails...okay, I will stop there. NO need to get too intimate. But with the disentegration of so many marriages around me, I want him to know how special he is to me. I know that if we are strong together, our family as a whole will be strong. I can't let daily life take away from what created this family - our love.

So that is my list. I decided to take the numbers off because I do not think they should be ranked, but taken as a whole. They are all good resolutions - and I beleive attainable and measurable. Let's check back in 6 months -

I may very well repost this at the end of June with an update.....

Until then - Happy New Year -

Be the Best you can be and be kind!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Pooh and Poo!

My sister in law was cleaning out some toys and asked if Kat would like this giant Pooh - I said sure...and a love affair was born....My baby carries this thing around with her sleep, she puts a seatbelt on it in the car, and takes it to school (this is still cool as she is 3!)
Who knew she would love Pooh - as I have not read any Pooh stories to her or watched Pooh movies..but love him she does!

I will have to say that she is a bit bemused by his name. Pooh. You see, we are in the middle of "poo" potty training. My child pees like a champ - stays dry all day and half the night - but poo? A whole other story...So maybe this will lead into some poos on the potty.....

And here we are at the Christmas party last Saturday. A handsome couple if I do say so myself. We won't discuss the fact that he has lost over 50 pounds while I HAD lost over 20 and am maintaining at 14 pounds....for now....uuuggghhh!

and for the real "poo" part - we are irritated with each other as of this moment. Not end of the hunt, deal breaker kind of stuff - more like hurt feelings (mine) and an inability to apologize (his) and throw in holiday stress and 18,000 in credit card debt - well you get the picture....
I do know this. Without him, my family would not exist. Because of him, I have more than I ever dreamed if. Because of him, I am thankful for God's blessings and I will take deep breaths and let my feelings heal and move on. Because of him, I really am happy and am reminded over and over in my daily interactions with other women how lucky I truly am. So what if he opened a bath robe I had set aside as a gift for a needy family "just to try it out" - and then got PISSED when I questioned him about it...see? Silly! I am not hunting for him in the bars or struggling to feed my children, or hit, or feel unloved....Communication will be something we will work on for the rest of my life. At least I do not worry about if he is leaving - for good. I do not worry if I will make him so mad he will go. I am blessed and thankful and in love.

Monday, December 14, 2009

A weekend in review

I can not drink. Hubby had a Christmas party for his job on Saturday night - it used to be a Big Deal in Galveston at Moody Gardens, catered, entertainment, hotel rooms, big gifts, $500.00 gift cards for the wives....
This year was better - in my opinion. Local, good food, DJ and karaoke, $500.00 gift card for the wives, and it was the people you hung out with at the bigger party - with no LONG drive home...
I had my hair and make up done - I will have to post a pic later. I wish I had taken a pic of the back of my hair - it looked like spiraled ribbons - soooo pretty.
Anyway - hubby drank beer like a fish in water - and I had 3 wine coolers over 6 hours.....made me happy, but not drunk.....
Now, Friday we had dinner at a friend's house, home and in bed around 1:00 a.m., kids never sleep in, had to go to a bake sale at 9:00 Saturday morning, then off to town around 1:00 with some running around for the party. Party started at 6:30 p.m. and we left about 12:30. It took us a little longer than normal to get home as hubby needed..ummmmm....pit stops. Several of them. And not to pee. GROSS! So - I crawled into bed around 2:00 - Dad had to magistrate in the morning, so the kiddos were dropped off at 8:09a.m. ugggh - I am so thankful they kept them overnight - but I can't say I was thrilled....
So in they came and my head ache to church we went. In Hubby's truck - because my needed to be hosed down.....*gross* Had a great Sunday school, but the babysitter did not show....and since I have 3 children, I volunteered to stay in the nursery with our lovely 94 year old helper. Only one other child stayed in the nursery - and she is severely disabled and in a wheel chair. So I spent 45 minutes "baby sitting" my own children. Left church ran home, at, left with sister in law to go get McKenna"s #1 Christmas present - a ball python and cage. Then went and did some shopping for the family I am sponsoring for Christmas. Got home at about 7:00 p.m. House is a mess, my head still hurts, I don't drink!!!!