You are welcome here....

I started off thinking I was going to do a weight loss blog. That was too one dimensional for me - but I absolutely love some of the ones I follow! This is a typical, broad spectrum, anything goes hybrid of diary and therapy for me. You are welcome here.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Trying again

Soooo -
I thought about what kind of author I would really like to be, and I decided I have a very popular topic that is near and dear to my heart.....weight loss. Now, I have read some great blogs...and lessjess is probably one of my favorites, and is he can be a motivator for me, then I figured I better pay it forward and share my story. No one else may even read my drivel here, but I do have something to say. While I have anxiety over anyone else reading my ramblings, I also have a fear of losing what I write and/or not being able to go back and reread what I wrote.

I was quite active for awhile on easyjournal - but apparently no one is home there anymore because I can not upgrade and most people have now I want to go back and print what I wrote - I blogged my entire pregnancy with my 3rd child, and it is important to me....

Anyway - on to this new "book". Not only has my entire family joined in on our healthier life style, but I have soooo many opinions and fear and thoughts on my marriage, family, 3 daughters, job (I am a teacher), and life in general. This will be where I vent, celebrate, and so forth....